I. Purpose. The purpose of this Animal Policy (“Policy”) is to describe the circumstances under which Employees, Students and Visitors of the College are permitted to bring animals into College Buildings, or onto College Property or Premises.
II. Scope and Applicability. This Policy applies to all Employees, Students, and Visitors of the College.
III. Definitions
A. ADA is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended in 2008 and as may be amended from time to time.
B. Campus Service means a non-academic service provided by the College to Students, Employees and/or Visitors, including but not limited to, dining services, College identification cards, technology services, parking, fitness facilities, library services, the bookstore, performances and events on campus, computer labs, disability support services, academic advising, admissions, financial aid services, academic tutoring, testing, career and community services, Help-Link program, the Food Pantry, health and wellness services, personal counseling, and student achievement and success programs, and other similar services.
C. College Property or Premises means any part of the grounds or property that is owned, leased, operated or controlled by the College except for College Buildings.
D. College Buildings include any part of a building that is owned, leased, operated or controlled by the College.
E. Direct Threat means a significant risk to the health or safety of the individual or others that cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level by a Reasonable Accommodation or Auxiliary Aids and Services as measured by:
1. The duration of the risk of harm;
2. The nature and severity of the potential harm;
3. The likelihood that the potential harm will occur; and
4. The imminence of the potential harm.
F. DPSP means the College’s Department of Public Safety and Police.
G. DSS means the College’s Disability Support Services.
H. Emotional Support Animals (also known as “assistance animal”, “comfort animal”, or “therapy animal”) means an animal which provides emotional support, therapy, well-being, comfort, or companionship that alleviates one (1) or more identified symptoms or effects of a Disability and has been approved as an Emotional Support Animal by an Employee authorized to grant Disability Accommodations on behalf of the College. Emotional Support Animals do not perform work or tasks that qualify them as “Service Animals” under the ADA.
I. Employee includes all faculty, staff, temporary employees, and contractual employees and applicants for employment.
J. HR means the Office of Human Resources.
K. Owner is the individual who has physical possession and control of a Service Animal, Service Animal in Training, or Emotional Support Animal or the parent or guardian of a disabled minor child who is served by a Service Animal.
L. Risk Manager means the risk manager for the College.
M. Service Animal is any breed and any size of dog or miniature horse, or other animal, that is individually trained to do work or perform a task for the benefit of a person with a Disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.
N. Service Animal in Training is an animal that is being trained as a Service Animal.
O. Service Animal Trainer is an individual who is accompanied by an animal that is being trained as a Service Animal by the Trainer.
P. Student means an individual who is currently enrolled in classes at the College, including credit or non-credit bearing classes or seeking credit through prior learning assessments, individuals who are registered for classes in a future term, applicants for admission to the College, and individuals who have applied and been accepted to the College but have not yet registered for a term.
Q. Visitor refers to any person who is not an Employee or Student of the College who is on College Property or Premises or College Buildings.
IV. Animals on College Property or Premises
A. The College permits Employees, Students and Visitors to bring animals onto College Property or Premises provided that the Owner of the animal abides by the following rules:
1. Follows local and state laws related to animal control, including requirements related to licensing and vaccinations;
2. For animal owners who are residents of Anne Arundel County, securely fastens a license tag from the County’s Animal Care and Control Agency to the animal;
3. Does not allow the animal to enter a College Building, unless an exception set forth in the Exceptions Section below applies;
4. Assumes full responsibility for any damage or injury caused by the animal;
5. Controls and properly supervises the animal at all times (e.g., animals must have a harness, leash, tether, or other device which allows the Owner to maintain control of the animal; not tether the animal to stationary objects; etc.);
6. Ensures that the animal is clean and well-groomed; and
7. Ensures that animal waste is cleaned up immediately and disposed of properly.
B. Community members should report concerns about the behavior of an animal to DPSP. The College reserves the right to restrict the presence, or order the removal of, any animal that, in the opinion of the DPSP, is disruptive or poses a Direct Threat to the health or safety of any individual, or whose Owner does not comply with the rules set forth in Section IV.A.
V. Exceptions
A. While animals generally are not allowed to enter a College Building, an animal may be permitted in College Buildings, provided that they meet all of the other requirements set forth above, in the following circumstances:
1. A Service Animal or a Service Animal in Training that is accompanied by an Owner or Service Animal Trainer may enter a College Building, provided that the Owner or Service Animal Trainer complies with the provisions of the Animals on Campus Procedure.
2. An Emotional Support Animal may enter a College Building, provided that the Owner has received approval for use of the animal as an Emotional Support Animal in accordance with College’s Disability Accommodation Policy and Procedures. Employees [including Applicants for Employment] or Students wishing to bring Emotional Support Animals into a College Building must submit an Accommodation Request in accordance with the Employee and Applicants Disability Accommodations Procedure or Student Disability Accommodations Procedure, respectively.
3. An animal that is used in a class(es) for a research or non-research purpose by or with permission of a faculty member may enter a College Building, provided that the Owner or the faculty member for the class has obtained prior written permission for use of the animal in a class from the Dean that oversees the class, and the Risk Manager.
4. An animal used by police, public safety, or a government agency may enter a College Building for the purpose of search and rescue, detection of explosives or narcotics, or any other police operations on College Property or Premises.
5. An animal trained for and used in a clinical therapeutic setting, such as at College-sponsored events or for programming purposes during exam and other times, may enter a College Building, provided that the Owner has obtained prior written approval from the Vice President of Learning Resources Management.
6. An animal used for any other approved academic, educational or operational purpose may enter a College Building, provided that the Owner has obtained prior written permission for the use from the Vice President of Learning Resources Management.
Policy Title: Animal Policy
Policy Category: General
Policy Owner: President
Policy Administrator: Vice President of Learning Resources Management
Contact Information: mabeardmore@xsdvoip.com; 410-777-2532
Approval Date: September 10, 2024
Effective Date: September 16, 2024
History: N/A
Applies to: All Employees, Students, and Visitors of the College
Related Policies: Disability Accommodations Policy
Related Procedures:
Forms/Guidelines: Acknowledgement of Responsibilities Form
Relevant Laws: